RADCOM RAN experience analytics (REA) provides telecom operators with multiple solutions; from ensuring quality for mobility services, reducing the reliance on physical drive tests and the impact on the environment to validating new 5G cell sites.
RADCOM REA offers a virtual drive test (VDT) solution that provides mobility experience insights and optimization to network quality teams. When combined with physical drives, VDT delivers a significant cost benefit to in-house test car fleets and reduces outsourced efforts by removing the susceptibility of operational costs to surging fuel prices.
VDT offers clear technological advantages like real customer experience insights, high accuracy of location in mobility, and alignment with digital transformation strategies. It achieves all that using thousands of drives (impressions) in a single pass and performance measurements across multiple days.
With RADCOM REA, network teams can conduct virtual tests before, during, and after deploying a new 5G site. Detailed analysis and optimization of experience in mobility, including transitions from adjacent and remote cells, make the solution unique for post-deployment customer impact analysis.
RADCOM REA provides operators with insights across multiple KQIs and KPIs and correlates this with the customer experience (mobility and stationary) and cell data across time. RADCOM REA can then perform quality impact scoring based on mobility and static metrics to support and comply with regulatory requirements and help operators analyze service quality.
Analyzes, monitors, and optimizes the performance of the RAN, focusing on voice and data quality and subscribers’ experience in mobility. Advanced AI models determine which subscriber mobile services have been used while in mobility and accurately plot travel routes.
Insights are visualized on maps and made available as datasets for consumption by optimization systems.
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