Mobile device analytics
Gain insights into all the devices connected to the network, understand user behavior and trends, and prevent network abuse and fraud. Insights into upselling and marketing use cases based on subscriber usage and prevents degradation by monitoring device activity.

Mobile devices play a crucial role in the overall customer experience, so it is key to gain insights into them. For example, underperforming mobile devices, network abuses, or faulty OS software updates can significantly impact users and cause network degradation.
RADCOM’s mobile device analytics offers comprehensive insights into the devices operating on the network. Offering visibility into the devices used for both technical and non-technical departments, including marketing and planning.
- Quickly prevent degradations caused by devices using AI/ML-based anomaly detection
- Analyze the data by device model, manufacture, OS, and technology
- Identify 5G-capable devices where subscribers lack 5G subscriptions
- Prevent issues after device OS upgrades
- Gain insights into usage trends for upselling and marketing
- Deep analysis from network-wide to single packet-level for advanced 5G troubleshooting