RAN Analysis

Gain critical insights into 5G RAN/Open RAN performance correlated with real-time core data to determine and swiftly resolve issues impact subscribers’ quality of experience. Empower teams with a deep understanding of service degradations, and geolocation data, allowing them to prioritize their efforts and precisely target areas where quality is low. The data insights enable engineers to optimize new radio sites through the roll-out process, before, during and after deployment, ensuring a proactive, seamless end-to-end user experience.

RAN analysis


  • Offers real-time visibility into the RAN performance and customer experience
  • Detects and determines the root cause of RAN degradations to troubleshoot
  • Provides insights for optimization of all RAN configurations (including oRAN/vRAN)
  • Correlates core and RAN data into subscriber (IMSI-based) insights
  • Sends alarms to indicate RAN performance over time, with recommendations
  • Integrates with self-organizing networks (SON)
  • Helps reduce trouble ticketing workloads
  • Correlates service tickets, network faults, and potential impacts on other subscribers
  • Integrating data with other service management systems
  • Incorporates AI/ML for capacity forecasting and utilization

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